Now is the time
to stand upright
and align our spines
to the Goddess Wisdom
that has been here the
Whole. Fucking. Time...
Excerpt from Amy Hyun Swart 2017, published in We'Moon 2020
With a southern accent that broadened the “i” in time, align, spine and divine, a woman in our circle read this excerpt at our gathering to celebrate International Women's Day on March 8. She held a half-smile as she began lyrically, and then intoned the last words with fierce conviction.
Today, as I worked in the garden, I recited the phrase as a mantra, “Now is the time to align our spines to the Divine.” It is the message I received as I woke. I had asked for guidance as I went to sleep. How was I to manage the farm finances? The bookings from airbnb for the Retreat House, a major source of income for the farm, have stopped. No one is traveling. What was I to do?
Now is the time to align our spines to the Divine. I never thought about it this way, but when I was in the midst of birthing my son I aligned my spine with the Divine—the incoming life energy that carried my son into this world. A midwife and a doula coached me; the energy became intense at the transition time, the time when my son was emerging from inside me. I stayed with the process; I bellowed like a moose. I was flying high as my son was born. My husband came along with my ride.
I recently participated in a Webinar, The Wisdom of Sophia and Sacred Agriculture, sponsored by the Biodynamic Association. The organization is focused on transforming the practice and culture of agriculture to renew the vitality of the earth, the integrity of our food, and the health and wholeness of our communities. Course instructor Claudia Ford, herself a former midwife, spoke about this time as a time of transition, a birthing of a new era of harmony and peace, supported by Divine Feminine energy.
The horizontal life we have been living—focused on the material world—will not hold. Divine energy is surging in to release the restrictive pattern than we have become accustomed to-- planning and saving for retirement, amassing wealth to protect ourselves—from what? Now is the time....the Dark Mother has come to sweep the old away.
If we focus on what we are losing, what is lost, we can become panicked and distraught. Imagine instead a new era when harmony and respect reign. Christians tell the story of Jesus in the temple upsetting the money changers They had a good thing going, but it was not a God thing. He came to anchor a new dawn, a new day. The old cannot hold.
Now is the time to align. So what am I do to? Focus on teaching people to restore vitality in the food that we grow, in the lives that we lead, in ow we come together as community, in how we connect and care for the Earth. As we each step into our own alignment, we step into our own truth and our own power. We bring healing to ourseves and those around us.
Live life now! And love it. Now is the time.....