Sally Voris
Get The Flow Going!
“Get the flow going!” is a lesson my Jersey cow gives me every morning. Sometimes, I feel tired; sometimes I wonder how I will keep my hands warm in bitter cold. Once I get to the barn, I am blessed by our morning's tryst.
Hazel is a gentle cow. We have settled into an easy routine. I put a tub of feed in the corner of an . . .
Let the Land Lead!
Imagine dancing with nature and letting the land lead. That is the mindset I bring to the garden now: I no longer focus on growing food. Instead, I imagine creating balance with nature so food can grow. I no longer pretend to lead; I take my lead from nature. As our weather changes, I meet the day and work with the what it brings.
In . . .
Warm Dark
Written in September 2019
I held the young girl's hand as I led her up the bank to the barn. “In this world, there is warm dark and cold dark,” I opined. “I want you to experience warm dark, so you know what it feels like. “
What an important lesson for anyone—that dark can be warm or cold—and to be willing to accept and find . . .
Wood Warmth
My friend and I were scouting for dry wood, when a late-model pickup truck stopped on the road nearby. The driver shouted to my friend: he had towed his wood splitter close to my shed. He gave her brief instructions, then he sped down the road: he and his buddy were going hunting.
Nearly a month ago, he had come to my farm to fell a wild . . .
Making Hay
“Satsung Sangha,” Paul affirmed as stopped his old truck by my back door on his way home. A young therapist, he had studied meditation and practiced yoga. He explained later that that Satsang is a Sanskrit term meaning “being in the company of the truth.” Sangha refers to a group of like-minded people who engage in . . .
Cultivating the Heart of Matter
This year, we plan to engage people in planting and harvesting food from the garden at each of our events. On June 1, at our member potluck, we will plant sweet potatoes slips, bare-rooted plants grown from sprouting sweet potatoes in soil, sand or water.
I have prepared the beds. I tilled in the annual rye grass that I planted as . . .
Pray for Richmond
As news about Richmond floods the airways, memories rise within me. I feel for Richmond, its leaders and for those who have worked for nearly fifty years to bring healing to the wounds now exposed.
In 1969, I left a small town near Baltimore to attend Westhampton College. After college, I worked in the city for five years. Years later, . . .